Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Simple Business Plan - The myths of creating a plan #2 No Time To Plan

So, here is #2 in the 10 video series about the myths of business plans, and the excuses of why business people don't have a plan for their business. I am going to come right out and say it-
If you do not have a plan for your business (regardless of size), you are limiting your success, and probably even hurting your business.

But know that having a plan does not have to take a long time - or create a 50 page, comple xdocument. You can do it easily on a single sheet of paper, or a

Simple Business plan

Monday, January 2, 2012

Simple Business Plan? The myths of creating a plan - #1 Has to be long to be good

Simple Business Plans are real. And they work. So, we have decided that its time to dispel some of the myths when it comes to creating a plan for your business.


We will be posting 10 vidoes dispelling the top 10 myths of business planning - here is the first

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