Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Google Places = more leads and more customers!

Google Places isn't just another social media fad or passing idea. It's now an integral part of Web search as we know it.

What is it? It's a platform that lets businesses interact directly with their customers online. It's also a powerful tool for attracting new prospects and customers, and it helps you rank higher in the search engines. (especially Google…) It really is Google’s answer to a combination of Facebook, LinkedIn, Four Square and other platforms. But to summarize what it

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Vision Statements versus a Vision?

So a forum friend of mine, Debbie Benstein (she lives in Israel, but we chat every day...) challenged other members of the forum about having a vision for their business. I immediately went into business planning mode, and snapped off a reply using the template from The Simple Focus Plan. She quickly corrected me. So, I must publicly thank her.

There is a difference between a clearly stated vison statement for your plan, and having a vision for what your company, organization or

Vision Statement